Project role for climate change in the urban regeneration. Reinventing cities winning projects in Milan and Rome

Keywords: Climate change, Urban regeneration projects, Metropolitan cities, Reinventing cities


The effects of the climate change employ a strong impact on the city and on the inhabitants, in fact the risk appears to be particularly clear in the metropolis. The urban setting fulfils a leading role in the consequences on the climate situation and the cities turn out to be the mainly responsible for the emissions of pollutants. In this situation the urban regeneration, as an opportunity to operate on the city’s “wounds” through an accurate plan, tries to improve the reactions of the urban territory even in terms of environmental sustainability. Becomes particularly important summarising the different kinds of knowledge of the various disciplines to assure the management of complex processes, like those of the transforming city that need a new way to intervene in the urban project. The urban regeneration is a “multidisciplinary container” that can efficaciously face the needs of the territory, a way to obtain the urban quality. The Italian metropolis manifest the will to align to the international expectations through the implementation of targeted urban regeneration built-in programs. The Reinventing Cities projects present solutions attributable to those typological features necessary by now in the sustainable urban regeneration projects, showing vision of a renewed architectural projects.


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Author Biography

Veronica Strippoli, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Building Engineer-Architect and PhD student in the field of Architecture and Construction, ICAR 14, in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy). Graduated with a master thesis in architectural and urban planning entitled “Recovery of the ex-Residence Roma in Via di Bravetta” in the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Carries out her PhD research activities about the urban regeneration and the role of the architectural and urban project toward a multidisciplinary vision and her tutor professor is prof.ssa arch. Antonella Falzetti, ICAR 14, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy).


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How to Cite
StrippoliV. (2020). Project role for climate change in the urban regeneration. Reinventing cities winning projects in Milan and Rome. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 13(3), 375-388.