The river contract in urban context as a new network of experiences

New opportunities in the post pandemic era

  • Donatella Cialdea Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy
  • Chiara Pompei Sapienza University, Rome, Italy PhD Student Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture
Keywords: Landscape, River Districts, Strategic and local planning tools, River contracts


The river contract can be identified as a process, linking different intervention scales, able to solve the complex system of relationships between all involved components. In the landscape improving interventions, the River Contract is a new opportunity to experiment innovative planning and design approaches for fragile territories. Due to climate change, they have become favourite settings to simultaneously implement territorial and local strategies. This paper concentrates in particular on the European panorama and tries to deepen the analysis of some test areas in Italy, proposing a methodology to compare their applications and their relationship with the planning tools in force.




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Author Biographies

Donatella Cialdea, Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy

Full Professor (Urban Planning) at the University of Molise since 1988. She is the Director of the Laboratory L.A.Co.S.T.A. (Laboratory for activities relating to Territorial and Environmental Development) at the University of Molise in order to prepare students and operators in the Geographical Information Systems field. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 2009 to 2012 and the Coordinator of the PhD Course in "Landscape Analysis and Valorisation". At present she is a Vice-President of the National Landscape Committee of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. She is also a Member of the Italian Steering Committee for River Contracts and a Member of the National Commission for the National Prize for River Contracts. She has been designed as the University of Molise Deputy for the UNISCAPE European Network of Universities (from 2015). She has been the Head and Principal Investigator of several International Scientific Projects funded by Competitive Calls at European and International levels (“Archaeological Project and Environmental Sites-INTERREG/CARDSPHARE; ”Sustainable Management of Coastal Areas Project-INTERREG III A; ”Model Implementation of Landscape Coastal Units Project”-Interlink; ”Landscape Challenges project in the Mediterranean Basin”-Cooperlink; ”An overview on rural land along the waterways Project Italy-USA bilateral three-year project”-National Council of Research and of several National Scientific Projects funded by Competitive Calls at National level. In leading up to these lines of research, Professor Cialdea has written extensively and critically about planning tools, management of spatial data, creation of metadata, creation and management of Geographical Information Systems, Web GIS of urban and extra-urban territory. Professor Cialdea has published 19 books and over two hundred refereed research papers about these and related topics.

Chiara Pompei, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy PhD Student Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture

Graduated in architecture with a thesis in Urban Planning titled "Natural and artificial infrastructures in the area of Monterotondo Scalo: Living Landscapes. A strategy for public space". She deals with issues related to urban regeneration and the integration of planning tools at different territorial, local and urban levels. She received a special mention for the contribution "The Tiber River and Monterotondo: A strategy for public space", presented at the fifth edition of the National Prize of River Contracts 2018. She attended the International Workshop of urban Planning and Architecture "Mending Termini Station" in collaboration between University of Rome Sapienza, University of RomaTre, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She has also participated in several International Conferences and field research (Istanbul, Paris, Medina di Fès, London) on the relationship between nature and city issues. Currently she is approaching the end of the PhD Course in Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture (Sapienza University Rome Italy), with the dissertation titled “Wellbeing in the Contemporary City. Objectives and principles for a renewed urban planning”.


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How to Cite
CialdeaD., & PompeiC. (2021). The river contract in urban context as a new network of experiences. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 14(3), 367-380.