Landscape and the city

A new vision for enhancing sustainability issues

Keywords: Urban Agricolture, Ecosystem Services, Urban regeneration


In recent times, there has been an increasing number of initiatives for developing green and agricultural areas connected to urban ones. This is certainly very positive, from many points of view, both social as well as environmental. This work presents a study regarding an Agricultural Park proposal. It is located in an urban context, which involves a populous district of the Bari Municipality (Apulia Region, Southern Italy). The role of Nature Based Solutions was further considered: they are inspired and supported by nature and could help to build land robustness increasing soil permeability and, as a result, decreasing the risk of hydraulic hazards. For this purpose, the Digital Terrain Model was utilised: obtained by the LIDAR survey, it was employed in order to create the hydrographic micro-network, giving us details of runoff paths. Consequently, agricultural activity, by increasing soil permeability, will contribute to reducing hazards. This methodology has allowed for the creation of different areas to be allocated to agricultural activity; this process started with the localisation of hydraulic micro-network and became part of the "new" landscape. Landscape management, through Agricultural Park creation, therefore turns into a catalyst for local development, due to its agriculture relevance and its ability to absorb anthropic pressures. 


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Author Biographies

Donatella Cialdea, Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso, Italy

Full Professor (Urban Planning) at the University of Molise since 1988. She is the Director of the Laboratory L.A.Co.S.T.A. (Laboratory for activities relating to Territorial and Environmental Development) at the University of Molise in order to prepare students and operators in the Geographical Information Systems field. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 2009 to 2012 and the Coordinator of the PhD Course in "Landscape Analysis and Valorisation". At present she is a Vice-President of the National Landscape Committee of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. She is also a Member of the Italian Steering Committee for River Contracts and a Member of the National Commission for the National Prize for River Contracts. She has been designed as the University of Molise Deputy for the UNISCAPE European Network of Universities (from 2015). She took part, as referee, for the publications of the ECLAS / UNISCAPE conference 2019. Professor Cialdea has been the Head and Principal Investigator of several International Scientific Projects funded by Competitive Calls at European and International levels, financed by the NPPA INTERREG/CARDSPHARE; by the INTERREG III A; by the Cooperlink International Project; by the National Council of Research C.N.R.) and of several National Scientific Projects funded by Competitive Calls at National level, financed by the National University Ministry and by the Molise Region, Italy. In leading up to these lines of research, Professor Cialdea has written extensively and critically about planning tools, management of spatial data, creation of metadata, creation and management of Geographical Information Systems, Web GIS of urban and extra-urban territory. Professor Cialdea has published 19 books and over two hundred refereed research papers about these and related topics. 

Antonio Leone, Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Italy

Degree in Civil Engineering. Full professor of Planning and Environmental Evaluation at the University of Salento, School of Civil Engineering. Participant and responsible in several projects financed by the European Union within 5th and 7th Framework Programme, Interreg Research Program, COST-actions, LIFE programme and applied research programs (e.g. plans of Parks and Nature 2000 Sites). Member of Scientific International Committee for Metropolitan Strategic Master Plan “Terra di Bari” and AI SMART Project Interreg Greece-Italy. Author of over 180 papers and scientific articles on the main international journals related to the environment and landscape management and planning, for the most part of which he also carries out the activity of an anonymous reviewer. 

Vito Muscio, Laboratory, University of Molise, Italy

Graduated in Geological Sciences. He has gained experience both in the field of applied geology and in the field of topographic and three-dimensional surveys. His professional and research production is oriented to the management of data in the GIS environment and to the creation of digital platforms concerning the enhancement of historic centres and the landscape. At present, he is Research Fellow in “Molise Region Landscape Analysis: Territorial data update” at University of Molise. 


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How to Cite
CialdeaD., LeoneA., & MuscioV. (2022). Landscape and the city. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 15(3), 415-429.