Sustainable urban regeneration in port-cities. A participatory project for Genoa waterfront

  • Francesca Pirlone Polytechnic School, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa
  • Ilenia Spadaro Polytechnic School, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa
  • Martina Sabattini Building-Architect engineer
  • Marco De Nicola Building-Architect engineer
Keywords: Regeneration, Port-cities, Sustainability, Participation


The scope of this document is to develop a methodological approach, and at the same time providing design applications, in terms of urban regeneration. An increasingly emerging topic in our urban realities. In particular, a systematic analysis of practices and models is reported, in the current context of urban planning, in the regeneration of port-cities.

The paper reports a research developed in the university field starting from a public competition. The research starts from the definition of urban regeneration to arrive at the identification of an circular approach and key issues applicable to the Genoa Pra’-Palmaro case study. According to the “learning-by-doing” approach, the Pra’-Palmaro case study is analyzed here to highlight the strategies implemented for a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder urban regeneration project.

The research output is a methodological approach that supports the realization of an urban regeneration process thus opening a scientific debate on the topic. Particular attention is paid to current policies and strategies related to concepts such as: sustainability, circular economy, resilience and new technologies. The research can therefore help other port-cities in the world to realize sustainable urban regeneration, also attentive to the participation and involvement of stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Francesca Pirlone, Polytechnic School, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa

Associate professor in town planning at Polytechnic School - University of Genoa, PhD, engineer. She is a teacher in three university courses of four Degree Courses. She has developed different lines of research, from requalification, natural risks, sustainability, waste, tourism, infrastructures and mobility, activities carried out in EU and national programs. Author of numerous publications and speaker at International and National Conferences.

Ilenia Spadaro, Polytechnic School, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa

Engineer, PhD and Assistant Professor in town planning; she carries out scientific activities at Polytechnic School, University of Genoa, where she is a teacher in courses on Territorial Planning. Her researches are focused on natural risks, requalification of historical-cultural heritage, environmental sustainability themes: waste, tourism, mobility and transport, energy. Author of several publications and speaker at International and National conferences.

Martina Sabattini, Building-Architect engineer

Freelance and Graduated in Master Architecture and Building engineering.

Marco De Nicola, Building-Architect engineer

Freelance and Graduated in Master Architecture and Building engineering


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How to Cite
PirloneF., SpadaroI., SabattiniM., & De NicolaM. (2022). Sustainable urban regeneration in port-cities. A participatory project for Genoa waterfront. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 15(1), 89-110.