Identifying spatial variation in the values of urban green at the city level

A case study in Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Antonia Giannakidou School of Spatial Planning and Development Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Dionysis Latinopoulos School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece


Analyzing the benefits/values of urban green spaces (UGS) to local citizens is necessary in order to make these areas more visible, as well as to support future planning decisions related to the development of new green infrastructure in the urban environment. This paper aims to examine the values associated with the UGS in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, by using a Hedonic Pricing Method, which examines the effect of urban green areas and amenities on housing prices. Furthermore, the study attempts to examine if the proximity to green spaces has a fixed/homogenous effect on residential property values across the city. A global regression analysis was first applied to explore which structural, locational and green/environmental characteristics are likely to have a statistically significant effect on housing prices. Then, a semi-parametric geographically weighted regression analysis, was applied to identify how the implicit prices of the environmental/green attributes vary within the city. The study revealed that the values of several environmental attributes vary significantly spatially, having in most cases a positive influence on home sale prices. These findings reveal that when making planning decisions about urban green spaces, it is necessary to consider the heterogeneity of citizens’ preferences, facilitating thus a more targeted planning for new green infrastructures.


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Author Biographies

Antonia Giannakidou, School of Spatial Planning and Development Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Antonia Giannakidou is an engineer and researcher. She received her diploma from the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She received a master’s degree in Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development in the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her M.Sc. thesis research concerns the topic of the economic evaluation of urban green spaces. 

Dionysis Latinopoulos, School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece

Dr. Dionysis Latinopoulos is an associate professor of Rural Sustainable Development and Natural Resources Management at the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). Diploma in Agriculture / Agricultural Economics (AUTh), MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics (Department of Economics, University College London), PhD (Department of Civil Engineering, AUTh) and Post-doc (Department of Economics, University of Macedonia). His teaching includes courses in environmental and natural resource economics, environmental spatial planning, sustainable development economics and environmental planning and management of tourism. His research interests include non-market valuation of environmental resources, environmental planning and decision-making, urban resilience and sustainability, planning and management of tourism. He has published articles in international peer reviewed journals on these topics. 


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How to Cite
GiannakidouA., & LatinopoulosD. (2023). Identifying spatial variation in the values of urban green at the city level. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 16(1), 83-104.