Soil de-sealing for cities' adaptation to climate change
Planning of priority interventions in urban public space
It is well known that extreme heat waves or weather events combined with the increased soil consumption and sealing processes are significantly affecting urban systems especially the most exposed and vulnerable. These urban challenges call for specific mitigation and adaptation actions; soil de-sealing (i.e., the removal of the impermeable surfaces for the purpose of increasing green areas and restoring soil ecosystem functions) may be one of the possible solutions. However, this urban practice, to have meaningful outcomes, would need widespread and systematic application in urban areas that can be pursued only if supported by innovative programming and planning tools based on the construction of in-depth knowledge frameworks on the permeability and vulnerability of urban soils.
In this regard, the paper aims to outline a methodological approach, supported by GIS technology, to map in detail urban public soils and identify priority areas to be depaved. In particular, the method assesses the permeability of public land in relation to hydraulic and heat island hazard exposure of potentially vulnerable urban systems. The methodological approach is applied on a pilot case in the city of Parma to verify its potential and criticalities, with the final objective of creating a replicable procedure.
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