Rome: The Strategic Plan of Roma Capitale

  • Daniela Cerrone Laboratorio TeMA


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Author Biography

Daniela Cerrone, Laboratorio TeMA
Engineer, Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Naples Federico II. She carries-out research activities for the “Dipartimento di Pianificazione e Scienza del Territorio” of the University of Naples and acts as a consultant for local government organizations regarding projects and policies for the start-up, promotion and development
of the urban trasformation and the deepening of the relationships between mobility and urban planning policies.


Cerrone D. (2009) “Nuovi strumenti per il governo dei sistemi urbani” in Papa R. ed, Il governo delle trasformazioni urbane e territoriali, FrancoAngeli, Milano

Progetto Millennium (2011) Piano Strategico di Sviluppo di Roma Capitale – La Visione Strategica, Roma

Progetto Millennium (2011) Piano Strategico di Sviluppo di Roma Capitale – I Progetti Pilota, Roma

How to Cite
CerroneD. (2011). Rome: The Strategic Plan of Roma Capitale. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 4(1).

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