UPLanD promotes an interdisciplinary approach to urban planning, landscape and environmental design as an effective form of the governance - sustainable and eco-efficient - of processes for the protection, enhancement and development of urban contexts. In publishing research and experimentation results and innovative solutions, expressing positions toward current issues, and suggesting new avenues of research and product and process innovation, the journal aims to:
- disseminate meaningful, responsible, accurate and independent contributions in the field of urban planning, landscape and environmental design, which are supported by research and original experiments carried out both in scientific environments and practice;
- provide an international comparison tool for research work being done on the subject of the sustainable governance of the built environment, in view of the advancement of knowledge, methods and tools in comparison with the global scientific community;
- promote the dissemination of research and experimentation, whose results and effects are of interest due to their social, economic, environmental, cultural and ecological impact;
- promote the recognition of scientific contributions according to the criteria for the evaluation of research in the academic field, as defined internationally;
- offer young researchers a user friendly environment for the promotion and dissemination of products in the international scientific community and for the relevant measurement of their impact;
- promote the sustainable governance of the territory as a central and essential strategy for the growth of the collective well-being;
- promote encounters / comparisons among scientific researchers, the profession, producers and decision makers.
Publication model
UPLanD operates under a continuous publication model. Once an article is in its final form, after editing, double-blind peer review process and proofreading, it is immediately published online, with references to be cited and definitive page numbers, into one of the two annual issues. This means that current issues are built up gradually throughout the year. The first issue of every year closes on June. The second issue closes on December.
Article Processing Charge
UPLanD does not ask economic contribution to the authors but, in order to maintain a high level of international quality, all articles, before being published, undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process.
Current Issue
Vol 8 No 1: Land Take
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