La parola scissa. Certeau e Barthes interpreti di Ignazio di Loyola

  • Silvano Facioni Università degli Studi della Calabria


Michel de Certeau and Roland Barthes studied Ignazio di Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises by different perspectives, but the results of their investigations converge on a point: the writing of the Exercises constitutes a practice of interlocution in which otherness is investigated as extraneous in comparison to the order of the discourse. A real topic of the other is unfolded in the Exercises argumentative speech: the discourses create a space in which the other, who is at the same time desired and absent (or rather desired because absent and absent because desired), imposes himself as a menace and as a promise. Therefore, a comparison between Certeau and Barthes, allows to open a first path in which the other is, first of all, a performative writing, which invokes an interpretation beyond the ideologies.

Keywords: Other, Text, Desire, Absence, Writing, Reading


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Come citare
FacioniS. (2019). La parola scissa. Certeau e Barthes interpreti di Ignazio di Loyola. Bollettino Filosofico, 34, 170-178.