L’appello a saltare. Empatia e separazione tra Jaspers, Blanchot e Lacan

  • Silvia Vizzardelli Università della Calabria


This paper addresses a crucial point of philosophy of empathy, having as protagonists Karl Jaspers and Maurice Blanchot. Our focus is Blanchot’s reading of the notion of process as opposed to that of development and his emphasis on innovative power of Jaspers’ thought. Empathy loses its fusional, analogical connotation and opens up to an irreducible experience, totally different, in the name of interruption and jump. It will be precisely the notion of “bond without relationship” to guide the developments of Lacanian psychoanalysis and the harsh polemic against empathy that Lacan will carry out starting from Seminar II.

Keywords: Blanchot, Empathy, Jaspers, Lacan, Process


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Come citare
VizzardelliS. (2022). L’appello a saltare. Empatia e separazione tra Jaspers, Blanchot e Lacan. Bollettino Filosofico, 37, 182-191. https://doi.org/10.6093/1593-7178/9662