Using the conference on the future of Europe to shape a real European political discourse. Italian non-paper for the conference on the future of Europe (2020-2022)

  • Alberto Lucarelli
Parole chiave: paper, Italy, European Union


Italy welcomes the launch of a Conference on the Future of Europe. Europe has been through a lot in the last 10 years. The Eurozone has been repeatedly on the brink of disaster. Our continent has suffered from the destabilizing effect of the crises in our Neighborhood. We had to tackle the unprecedented decision of a Member State to withdraw from the Union. Yet, the EU subsisted, showing the extraordinary resilience of the European project.  


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Come citare
LucarelliA. (2020). Using the conference on the future of Europe to shape a real European political discourse. Italian non-paper for the conference on the future of Europe (2020-2022). Diritto Pubblico Europeo - Rassegna Online, 13(1).
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