Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic
Parole chiave:
report, European Union, Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge with very severe socio-economic consequences. We are committed to do everything necessary to meet this challenge in a spirit of solidarity. A coordinated and comprehensive strategy is necessary to deal with health emergency needs, to support economic activity and to prepare the ground for the recovery. This strategy should combine short, medium and long-term initiatives, taking account of the spill overs and interlinkages between our economies and the need to preserve confidence and stability. Several measures have already been taken at the national and EU levels, as set out in the statement of the Eurogroup in inclusive format of 16 March. A subsequent letter of the President of the Eurogroup of 24 March outlined further elements of policy response under consideration. The European Council, in its statement of 26 March, invited the Eurogroup to present proposals on the economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic within two weeks. Replying to the Leaders’ mandate, this report takes stock of actions taken thus far and outlines a comprehensive and coordinated economic response.Downloads
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Come citare
StileM. T. (2020). Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Diritto Pubblico Europeo - Rassegna Online, 13(1).
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