[closed] Call for papers Fuori Luogo special issue Flânerie vol.10 - n.2/2021
Special issue, II 2021
Guest editors:
Giampaolo Nuvolati (University of Milan Bicocca)
Lucia Quaquarelli (University of Paris Nanterre)
Flânerie as a way of living, walking and exploring the city
The notion of flâneur – employed since the late nineteenth century to designate poets, artists, and intellectuals who critically observed people’s behavior while strolling among the crowds, and codified in the influential work of Walter Benjamin (1999) on the “passages” of Paris – is once again of interest for human and social sciences and for arts in particular – as a tool for identifying a specific mode of displacement, mobility and exploration of places, a particular type of reflective and perceptive relationship between people and spaces. Relocated from the Parisian arcades to contemporary urban and suburbs agglomerations and commercial malls, the concept of flâneur seems to reflect the modern sense of bewilderment, as well as the craving for new relationships with both places and their inhabitants. The flâneur is a contradictory figure that can be described by using a set of oxymora (Nuvolati 2014). He is both puer andsenex – puer in being curious, naive, still able to wonder, to get lost in the city, but senex using his/her skill, wisdom, and self-control in order to analyze the city, to capture its genius loci. He/She is alone in the crowd and therefore melancholic, but also open to contact. The flâneur is a creative and busy idler, being not only a passive spectator who absorbs the urban reality but also an active interpreter and even a creator who reshapes the city with his or her own work. Flânerie, the activity of strolling and looking carried out by the flâneur, can be also considered as an expression of freedom, of transgression, of individual rebellion to the modern process of mass consumerism, speed, homologation of practices and habits. Finally, flânerie moves toward new methodological perspectives for studying places, cities and territories, complementing more traditional research approaches in urban and mobility studies. Papers may concern, among other issues:
- flânerie in the ancient era and in the contemporary society
- flânerie and gender studies: flâneurs and flâneuses in the city
- flânerie as a protest behavior: ethical and aesthetical issues
- flânerie as a concrete body involvement vs. virtual exploration of the space
- flânerie and deviant behavior: safety and risk in urban context
- flânerie and public space: walking and exploring the city as planning practices
- flânerie and public art as participation model
- flâneurs and flâneuses and tourists: from tourist guide to instinctive paths
- flâneurs and flâneuses and consumerism: refusal and attraction
- flânerie and ethnographic approach: methodological similarities and differences
The main acceptance criteria include: innovativeness, originality, method and applicability. Therefore, all papers which get accepted for publication are original research papers. Each article is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) number.
All abstracts, written in English, should be sent via on line form through the journal’s platform.
Papers written in English, French, Italian, Spanish are accepted.
To submit your abstract:
You may have to create an account on “SHARE Riviste” if you don't have one already
Go to http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo/submission/wizard
Choose "Submission" and follow the wizard.
All submissions should follow the guidelines of the journal.
Please note that, based on their adherence to the Journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, all selected papers will be peer-reviewed by two anonymous reviewers This means that the acceptance of the abstract does not necessarily mean the paper will be accepted too.
Key Dates
- Abstract submission (500 to 750 words, with 5 keywords in English) by January 29, 2021deadline extended to February 15, 2021.
- Notification of acceptance by February 28, 2021 (new date March 10, 2021).
- Paper submission by June 3, 2021.
- Announcement of the decision of the peer review by July 5, 2021
- Final paper submission by 31 August, 2021.
- Issue expected by December 2021.
||| Open Access (OA) Policy ||| Peer-reviewing before publication |||Fuori Luogo is an Italian peer-reviewed academic journal, which provides a good platform for all researchers and scholars interested in sociology and social sciences to exchange ideas. Fuori Luogo was founded in 2016 and rated in 2020 as scientific journal (Political and social sciences - Area 14) by ANVUR Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. This journal discusses and explores the logic and the paradoxes of the relationships occurring in the spaces, places and territories of the social experience. It also includes the critical perspective of sociology as a whole and discusses convergences and differences, compliances and non-compliances, appropriateness and inappropriateness of social actions, viewed in the light of the fundamental connection between social behavior and spatial context. Based on their adherence to the journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, all submissions (both abstracts and papers), in accordance with the international guidelines, will go through a peer review process.
Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors through: redazione@fuoriluogo.info
Scientific Director of Fuori Luogo
Fabio Corbisiero
Chief Editor of Fuori Luogo
Carmine Urciuoli