[closed] Call for papers Fuori Luogo vol. 9 - n.1/2021
International Journal of Sociology
Open Access (OA) Policy. Peer-reviewing before publication.
Print ISSN 2532-750X. Online ISSN 2723-9608. DOI journal 10.6092/2723-9608.
Fuori Luogo is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed international journal published by SHARE - University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Fuori Luogo aims to promote original studies in sociology and social sciences. This journal discusses and explores the logic and the paradoxes of the relationships occurring in the spaces, places and territories of the social experience. It also includes the critical perspective of sociology as a whole and discusses convergences and differences, compliances and non-compliances, appropriateness and inappropriateness of social actions, viewed in the light of the fundamental connection between social behavior and spatial context. Based on their adherence to the journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, all submissions (both abstracts and papers), in accordance with the international guidelines, will go through a peer review process. The main acceptance criteria include: innovativeness, originality, method and applicability. Therefore, all papers which get accepted for publication are original research papers. Each article is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) number.
We would like to invite you to contribute unpublished papers related fields to the journal. Further findings on the topic of one of your already published articles will also be greatly welcomed. This may include papers on the techniques, problems and results of social research, as well as those concerned with the principles, policies and socio-territorial consequences of tourism and technology management and allocation as well as those concerned applied social theory issues. Fuori Luogo publishes also conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews.
The journal is published in online version.
The journal is now indexed with Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International. Moreover the journal is under the indexing process with Scopus.
DOI® Number
Each paper published in Fuori Luogo is assigned a DOI® number.
Fuori Luogo is inviting papers for Vol. IX N. 1/2021 scheduled to be published on June, 2021. Last date of submission is January 31, 2021.
However, an early submission will get preference in case of review and publication process.
You can send your manuscript to the editor at http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo/about/submissions
For more information, visit the official website of the journal http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo
Further information
All abstracts, written in English or Italian, should be sent via on line form through the journal’s platform.
To submit your abstract:
You may have to create an account on “SHARE Riviste” if you don't have one already
Go to http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo/submission/wizard
Choose "Submission"
All submissions should follow the guidelines of the journal.
You can find all the useful files at this link:
Please note that, based on their adherence to the Journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, the selected essays, in accordance with the guidelines of the ANVUR, are evaluated through a double-blind peer review by two anonymous referees. This means that the acceptance of the abstract does not necessarily mean the paper will be accepted too.
Publishing standards. Please refer to this document: publishing standards of Fuori Luogo.
For further information you can write to redazione@fuoriluogo.info
Key Dates
Deadline for abstracts (500 to 750 words, with 5 keywords in English or Italian): January 31, 2021.
Decisions concerning the selection of articles will be announced by February 15, 2021 (new date February 28, 2021).
Deadline for full papers (following the “Instructions for paper submission”): April 18, 2021.
Communication from the Editors concerning the peer-review process will be notified to Authors by May 30, 2021.
Revised versions will have to be sent to the editors by June 10, 2021.
Publication: end of June 2021.