[closed] Call for papers Fuori Luogo special issue vol.13 - n.3/2022 - Mobility and health crisis. A Comparative Social Science and Humanities Perspective
Call for papers
Mobility and health crisis. A Comparative Social Science and Humanities Perspective
Guest Editors:
Fiammetta Fanizza (University of Foggia - Italia)
Khalid Mouna (Moulay Ismail University of Meknès - Morocco)
For two years the world has been living at the rhythm of the pandemic of COVID-19, this virus has imposed a new way of living, where the borders of countries are constantly closing due to the mutation of the virus. As a result, the whole world has seen its mobility reduced or even forbidden, whether it be so-called legal mobility (work, studies, tourism, health, pilgrimage, etc.) or so-called illegal mobility (economic or environmental migrants, asylum seekers, etc.). Borders move according to the sanitary situation, and the pandemic imposes new rules where internal and external borders are suspended for everyone, not only for the population of the southern countries. Migrants represent a very minor fraction of international mobility, it is other types of mobility that have been sanctioned by this pandemic (family visits, pilgrimages, tourists, etc.), we are talking about 1 billion 400,000 border crossings in the world according to the figures of 2019.
This is a return to the concept of borders and mobility in times of crisis. The concept of borders draws its strength from the imaginary, from nature, but also from the narratives of migrants, tourists, pilgrims, students etc. Borders are the results of state policies, but they are also a historical configuration. Borders in the plural sense are a floating reality in the sense of M. Weber, they are heterotopic and topical.
These two concepts, heterotopic and topical, make it possible to approach the way in which the actors apprehend the notion of borders with the COVID-19 crisis. In the sense that the heterotopic border is a concrete place in which individuals house their imaginary. Borders in this sense have the function of deepening the understanding of social worlds. As far as the topical border is concerned, it is a real space that sums up social, economic, cultural, linguistic life, etc. It is a space in which forms of integration or exclusion are played out, but also of control and surveillance.
The restrictions on mobility in response to the COVID-19 epidemic have curtailed the mobility of tourists and other forms of mobility, which has had an impact on important sectors of activity such as the catering and tourism sector. It has also had a considerable impact on the lives of refugees and migrants. However, if COVID- 19 has slowed down the mobility of some, it has also forced others to leave, especially in the South, where people have lost their businesses and have been forced to leave. Whether it is the internal mobility of our daily life or external mobility, the pandemic has forced us all to rethink our mobility in a different way. It has become the center of our concern, because leaving means a difficult and uncertain return, with borders closing, moving, leaving or migrating etc., requires rethinking mobility management in times of crisis.
The COVID-19 presents crucial issues all over the world, and restrictions on internal or external human mobility affect a universal right. The closure of borders and restrictions on mobility have locked women and men in a situation of precariousness, but also block migrants who find themselves in transit in countries that do not respect their human right, deprived of any form of assistance and often excluded from health and socio-economic protection systems (IOM).
This issue of the journal “Fuori Luogo. Rivista di Sociologia del Territorio, Turismo e Tecnologia” seeks to question our mobility in times of crisis, in particular with the COVID-19, beyond mobility, this issue has the ambition to put the social sciences in front of the crisis, through the following questions:
1: How can moments of crisis be moments of questioning our daily practices on mobility and borders?
2: How can we think of the crisis as an object of knowledge of mobility in the current world?
3: How is mobility thought in the time of COVID-19, in other words, lived and perceived as a project and practice by migrants, refugees, tourists, but also by citizens in their daily life in public transport, personal car, bicycle, scooter, etc.? It is a question of questioning life paths, stories and experiences.
All abstracts, written in English, should be sent via online form through the journal’s platform:
To submit your abstract:
You may have to create an account on “SHARE Riviste” if you don't have one already
Go to http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/fuoriluogo/submission/wizard
Choose "Submission" and follow the wizard.
All submissions should follow the guidelines of the journal.
Please note that, based on their adherence to the Journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, all selected papers will be peer-reviewed by two anonymous reviewers This means that the acceptance of the abstract does not necessarily mean the paper will be accepted too.
Key Dates
- Abstract submission by [NEW DEADLINE] May 20, 2022
- Notification of acceptance/rejection by May 25, 2022
- Paper submission by August 28, 2022
- Notification of the decision of the peer review by October 30, 2022
- Final paper submission by November 26, 2022.
- Issue expected by December 2022.
||| Open Access (OA) Policy ||| Peer-reviewing before publication |||Fuori Luogo is an Italian peer-reviewed academic journal, which provides a good platform for all researchers and scholars interested in sociology and social sciences to exchange ideas. Fuori Luogo was founded in 2016 and rated in 2020 as scientific journal (Political and social sciences - Area 14) by ANVUR Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. This journal discusses and explores the logic and the paradoxes of the relationships occurring in the spaces, places and territories of the social experience. It also includes the critical perspective of sociology as a whole and discusses convergences and differences, compliances and non-compliances, appropriateness and inappropriateness of social actions, viewed in the light of the fundamental connection between social behavior and spatial context. Based on their adherence to the journal’s purposes and on their relevance within the national and international debate, all submissions (both abstracts and papers), in accordance with the international guidelines, will go through a peer review process.
Requests for additional information should be addressed to the guest editors through: redazione@fuoriluogo.info
Scientific Director of Fuori Luogo
Fabio Corbisiero
Chief Editor of Fuori Luogo
Carmine Urciuoli