L’abitare dei rifugiati in Calabria. Pratiche e politiche, oltre l’emergenza

  • Mariafrancesca D’Agostino University of Calabria, Italy
Keywords: housing, refugees, hospitality, citizenship, sustainability


Within a framework where forced migration flows continue to grow, we will examine the models of inclusion housing provided to refugees and asylum seekers in Calabria. We will discuss the political, social and cultural impacts of these divergent models to show how, beyond the temporal limits and bureaucracy which characterize the institutional system of reception, informal housing is turning into a fundamental means for social transformation, giving legitimacy to new post-national identities and practices of citizenship.


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Author Biography

Mariafrancesca D’Agostino, University of Calabria, Italy

Assistant Professor of “Political Sociology” in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Calabria. She teaches “Co-development and Migration”. She has authored various essays on transnational migration regimes and local host policies. Among her most recent publications: (with A. Corrado and F.S. Caruso, Mi- grazioni e confini. Politiche, diritti e nuove forme di partecipazione (Rubbettino, 2016).

How to Cite
D’AgostinoM. (2020). L’abitare dei rifugiati in Calabria. Pratiche e politiche, oltre l’emergenza. Fuori Luogo Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology, 2(2), 21 - 29. https://doi.org/10.6092/2723-9608/6892