Il ruolo degli spazi urbani nella carriera migratoria dei richiedenti asilo nella Città Metropolitana di Torino: una possibile tipologia

Keywords: asylum seekers, migratory career, reception project, urban space, city


This paper considers the concept of “career” by Becker (1973), adapted from Martiniello and Rea (2014) at migratory context. Development of interactions with the reception city and its spaces is a fundamental aspect of inclusion process. In this regard, which type of urban spaces can address individual resources and contribute to build personal strategies in order to develop migratory career? Which type of urban space allows a continuity between past and present? The case study is the Turin Metropolitan City, and the methodology is based on a campaign of in-depth interviews to different subjects as cultural mediators, psychologists, and asylum seekers. The goal is to build a taxonomy of urban spaces in order to answer to these questions.


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Author Biographies

Alfredo Mela, University of Torino, Italy

He is Full Professor at the Politecnico di Torino - Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST). He teaches Urban Sociology and Environmental Sociology in graduate and doctoral courses in Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning. He was Visiting profes- sor at the Institut de Géographie of the Université Paris 1 (La Sorbonne – Panthéon). Chief of the board “AIS Territorio” (2013-2016).

Roberta Novascone, Politecnico of Torino, Italy

She is Adjunct Professor at the Politecnico di Torino. She teaches “Urban Sociology” in graduate course in Architecture for Heritage preservation and enhancement. She participated in research projects both for Università di Torino and for Politecnico di Torino. She also worked for research centres in territorial policies.

How to Cite
MelaA., & NovasconeR. (2020). Il ruolo degli spazi urbani nella carriera migratoria dei richiedenti asilo nella Città Metropolitana di Torino: una possibile tipologia. Fuori Luogo Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology, 2(2), 49 - 56.