Code of etichs
Code of ethics
“Fuori Luogo. Rivista di Sociologia del Territorio, Turismo, Tecnologia” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is inspired by the ethical code of publication worked out by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE -
for an ethical approach to the publication of scientific works. The entire management of the Journal is in line with the spirit of the COPE recommendations, in order to take all possible measures against negligence and ensure good ethical practices in the publication process. In particular, it is envisaged that all the parties involved - Management, Editorial Committee, Reviewers and Authors - know and share the following ethical principles:
Scientific Director and Editorial Committee responsabilities
- Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee are responsible for the decisions about the publication of the articles, are bound by the editorial policy of the journal and must comply with the applicable laws about defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
- The Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee are warrant for the correctness of the procedures used to accept, evaluate or reject the papers received, with the support of the editors of individual issues and of at least two reviewers, selected among scholars and experts outside the Editorial Board, monitoring the double-blind peer review procedure.
- The Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee must evaluate contributions exclusively on the basis of their scientific contents, regardless of the author’s gender, their sexual, political, religious or academic orientation, or their ethnicity or citizenship.
- The Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee have the obligation to not spread any information about the papers received. Communications related to the publishing process should be sent, exclusively, to authors, reviewers or potential reviewers and to the editorial consultants, as appropriate.
- Only written permission by the Authors allows the Scientific Director, the Editors of each single issue as well as the members of Editorial Committee to use the unpublished material contained in contributions submitted to the journal for the development of their own research.
- The Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee will promptly notify the Authors of the existence of any errors, inaccuracies or plagiarisms in the published paper, or the presence of any conflicts of interest. Appropriate measures will be adopted based on recommendations, guidelines and lists of control provided by the COPE, which include the publication of anerrata corrigenda or, if considered appropriate, the rejection of the contribution.
Reviewers responsibilities
The Reviewers assist the Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee of each single issue in editorial decisions by possibly suggesting references to the author and providing advice to help improve the paper.
- The papers received are confidential documents. Information, ideas or results acquired during the review should not be made public or intended for personal use.
- The review should be based on maximum objectivity and accompanied by arguments presented in an understandable way and convoyed by precise bibliographic references.
- The reviewers are obliged to draw the attention of the Scientific Director and of the Editorial Committee on any substantial similarities between the presented article and other already published documents.
- The selected scholars who consider themselves unable to perform the review in due time or do not judge themselves qualified for the evaluation of the proposed paper must decline the appointment, notifying their decision to the Scientific Director and to the Editorial Committee of the issue.
- The proposal must also be declined if there are any conflicts of interest resulting from a situation of competition or cooperation between the reviewers and the authors or the companies or entities in any way connected with the topics discussed in the paper.
Authors responsibilities
If the paper is accepted, the Author recognizes to the journal the right to publish it, through a release.
- The Authors must ensure that their papers are unpublished and not simultaneously submitted to the evaluation of other journals.
- If other scholars’ works are used, it is mandatory to indicate the respective bibliographic references. Authors must also mention the full range of publications that have had a significant influence in determining the setting of the proposed contributions. Papers based on original research must explain in detail their contribution to the relevant debate, the methodological strategy adopted to achieve the results presented and the scientific meaning that they assume within the field of study.
- Authors must ensure the objectivity of their interpretations and authenticity of the data, which must be submitted in detail, in order to allow other scholars, if methodologically appropriate, to replicate the research. Authors undertake to obtain the necessary authorizations to use images, tables or other already published contents, as by the laws on copyright.
- The Authors must accept the terms of selection of the contributions and the process of double blind peer review and agree to it that once the article is accepted, all economic rights, with no space limit and through all technology presently existing or hereafter developed, are transferred to the journal.
- The authorship of the article pertains exclusively to those who actually participated in the writing of the text by giving a significant contribution to the conception, design or interpretation of the object of study. The main Author is responsible for ensuring that only those who have really seen and approved the final version of the paper appear as co-authors and agree on its publication. Any other persons who have contributed to the paper should be listed in the acknowledgments as those who assisted them in preparing the contribution.
- The Authors undertake to declare, simultaneously with the sending of the paper, the absence of any conflicts of interest that could affect the results or interpretation of their work. All financial support sources must be expressly indicated.
- If significant errors or inaccuracies are found in the published paper, the Author is obliged to promptly notify the Scientific Director and the Editorial Committee, providing an appropriate errata corrigenda.