Some reflections between city form and mobility.

Dilemma between past and present.

Keywords: City Form, Mobility, Urban Evolution


Urban development is closely linked by a continuous cause - effect alternation of technology that finds its
maximum application in the city, and in particular in the transport system to support the multiple forms
of mobility.
From the historical reading of urban processes, it is in fact possible to extrapolate strengths and
weaknesses, positive and negative externalities, of mobility and recognize the recurring elements in the
evolution of the city form. The aim of the paper is to build a reorganization of knowledge between
literature and comparisons of city forms to extrapolate from the past possible approaches to evaluate the
present on the occasion of multiple and contextual transitions such as energy, digital and ecological


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Author Biography

Ginevra Balletto, University of Cagliari

Associate Professor of Urban and Territorial Planning, DICAAR, University of Cagliari. Her actual interests are related to geospatial planning in the multiple transitions (energetic, ecological, and digital).


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How to Cite
BallettoG. (2022). Some reflections between city form and mobility. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 7-15.
Living and Walking in Cities 2021