History and iconography in the architectural work of the Galli Bibiena

  • Eduardo Durão Antunes CIAUD, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon School of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8330-287X
  • Pedro Gomes Januário Design, Geometry and Computation Section, Department of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, CIAUD, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon School of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8363-461X


Conosciuta come una delle famiglie più importanti di architetti e scenografi del diciottesimo secolo, la famiglia Galli Bibiena ha lavorato per le principali corti europee, dove hanno guadagnato notorietà internazionale.

Questo lavoro si propone di presentare una serie di analisi fatte tra l'Opera di Nancy (1709) e l'Opera del Tago (1755), per approfondire l'attuale conoscenza di questi due edifici, per quanto riguarda il loro uso delle proporzioni e un insieme di elementi nella formazione di un'iconografia morfologica comune, verso una metodologia per l'ottenimento e la convalida delle proposte di ricostruzione 3D degli edifici.


History and iconography in the architectural work of the Galli Bibiena. From the Nancy Opera House to the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus, towards a three-dimensional reconstruction methodology

Known as one of the most important families of architects and stage designers of the eighteenth century, the Galli Bibiena family worked for the main European courts, where they earned international notoriety.

This paper aims to present a series of analyses made between the Nancy Royal Opera House (1709) and the Lisbon Royal Opera House of Tagus (1755), to deepen the current knowledge of these two buildings, regarding their use of proportion and a set of elements in the formation of a common morphological iconography, towards a methodology for the obtaining and validation of buildings’ 3D reconstruction proposals.


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Eduardo Durão Antunes, CIAUD, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon School of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal
Eduardo Durão Antunes has a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Lisbon School of Architecture since 2015. Currently, he’s a research fellow at Sustenta – Laboratory for Sustainable Design (CIAUD), where he has participated in research projects and activities on “sustainable design”.
Pedro Gomes Januário, Design, Geometry and Computation Section, Department of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, CIAUD, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon School of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Gomes Januário is a professor at the Lisbon School of Architecture since 1994, in the area of Visual Communication, having taught within the Geometry and Computation scope. He has also a PhD Degree in Architecture from the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid since 2008.

Come citare
AntunesE., & JanuárioP. (2018). History and iconography in the architectural work of the Galli Bibiena. Eikonocity. Storia E Iconografia Delle Città E Dei Siti Europei, 3(2), 67-95. https://doi.org/10.6092/2499-1422/5482