The aim of this issue of Anglistica AION is to proffer an LSP and Specialized Discourse insight into the translation of specialized vocabulary in literary texts. It brings together substantial contributions capable of depicting and displaying major contextualized examples of linguistic peculiarities that would focus on the observation of stylistic, narrative and communicative frames, patterns and schemata, commencing with a consideration of the growing importance of LSP and Translation Studies within the field of Literature. Indeed, Literature and Translation appear as two closely related disciplines, but when the former is flanked by LSP, Specialised Translation or Gender(-sensitive) translation perspectives, the connection becomes more and more opaque. Our aim is to highlight how LSP can be traced in literary and cultural texts and how gender issue and gendered language can affect the reception of the original and/or the translated text. The contributions include reflections on translation and gender/sexuality, adaptation, and (re-)interpretation, in a multifocal examination of literary case studies in adherence with critical approaches that include Translation Studies, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Semiotics, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Literary Studies applied – and applicable – to the heterogeneous linguistic and cultural milieu of diverse European and extra-European contexts.

Published: 2021-11-20

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