Il modello toscano dell’ “accoglienza diffusa” dei richiedenti asilo. Quattro diverse esperienze nel territorio senese

  • Fabio Berti University of Siena, Italy
  • Lorenzo Nasi University of Siena, Italy
  • Andrea Valzania University of Siena, Italy
Keywords: migration process; refugees and asylum seekers; widespread hosting model; Tuscany; visual sociology, migration process, refugees and asylum seekers, widespread hosting model, Tuscany, Visual sociology


In the last years the micro-level and decentralisedaccoglienza diffusais the predo-minant approach to the ‘management’ of the asylum seekers and refugees adopted inthe Tuscany region (Italy). Using the approach of visual sociology, the paper showsthe main results of this “model” in four different sub-areas of province of Siena,investigates the difference between the local changing scenarios strictly linking dayby day strategies to structural factors.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Berti, University of Siena, Italy

He is Professor at the University of Siena where he teaches “Sociology” and “Analysis of social inequalities”. His research focus is on migration process, social cohesion, sustainability and food insecurity.

Lorenzo Nasi, University of Siena, Italy

He is Researcher at the University of Siena where he teaches “Sociology of Development” and “Visual Sociology”. His research focus is on social development, international cooperation, young generations, volunteering and the third sector.

Andrea Valzania, University of Siena, Italy

He is Researcher at the University of Siena where he teaches “Sociology of Migration”. His research focus is on immigration process, social inequalities and local development.

How to Cite
BertiF., NasiL., & ValzaniaA. (2020). Il modello toscano dell’ “accoglienza diffusa” dei richiedenti asilo. Quattro diverse esperienze nel territorio senese. Fuori Luogo Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology, 2(2), 13 - 20.